Sunday, December 12, 2010

Struts 2 plugin for IntelliJ IDEA 10 - roundup

Now that IntelliJ IDEA 10 has been officially released, here's a quick roundup of the last-minute changes.

I18N-support in JSPs
Basic support for supporting .properties-files based I18N is now available in <s:text>

Ofcourse, refactoring/usage search of keys etc. will work as well.

Restrict resolving in <result>
The list of completion values will now correctly be restricted to the defined/effective result-type. Also fixed: in some conditions result-types defined as "default" were not determined correctly.
Additionally the "builtin" result types plainText and redirect are now supported as well.

Please consult the full list of changes for more details. Stay tuned for more in upcoming 10.x releases..

PS: The WIKI-page describing all features has been updated accordingly.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

IDEA X EAP 98.231

Just a quick note: the latest EAP contains a couple of important bugfixes for Struts 2 plugin as well as one (but useful new feature): support of "Bang!" notation in Action-URLs on JSPs (e.g. /myAction!method.action).

Download latest EAP from here, full changelist available here.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

struts2-jquery V2.0.0

The latest Maia EAP for upcoming 9.0.3 release is available - supporting the following new tags/attributes from struts2-jquery plugin V2.0.0:
- <sj:autocompleter>, <sj:checkboxlist>, <sj:radio>: all common attributes
- <sj:a> and <sj:submit>: new "button[...]" attributes
- <sj:head>: "jquerytheme" now has full list of all official jQuery-themes

Also missing support for <sj:accordionitem> has been added.

PS: Support for V2.1.0 is on the way...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

struts2-jquery plugin support

The latest Maia EAP build contains a bunch new features to support development with the popular struts2-jquery plugin.

Highlighting/autocompletion for nearly all taglib attributes:
Find Usages of referenced HTML-elements:
Highlighting/autocompletion for CSS attribute values:
Highlight "pseudo-JS" attribute values:
Give it a try and enjoy increased productivity! Your feedback is welcome.